Third Grade Schedule
8:05-8:15 - Arrival
8:15-8:30 - Spelling MWF, 7 Habits Tu/Th
8:30-10:00 -Math
10:05-10:40 - PE and Music
10:40-10:45 - Drinks and Bathroom
10:45-11:30 - Reading
11:30-11:35 - Get ready for lunch - wash hands, pass out lunch cards
11:35-12:05 - Lunch and Recess
12:05-12:10 - Drinks and Bathroom
12:10-12:50 - Science/Social Studies
12:50-1:10 - AR
1:10-2:10 - Tier and Computer
2:10-2:30 - Recess and Snack
2:30-2:35 - Drinks and Bathroom
2:35-2:45 - Grammar
2:45-3:10 - Writing
3:10-3:20 - Bal-A-Vis-X and packing up
3:22 - Car riders Dismissal
3:27 - Bus riders dismissed
*** Library: Wed 2:15-2:45